Together*Dreams Come True
跟所有青少年人一樣,青少年病人們也有夢想!只是,看似簡單的夢想,正正因為身體上特別的需要,夢想往往難以實現。伊利沙伯醫院兒科的醫護人員,聽到了他們的心聲之後,心動了!決定為他們做多一點,幫助他們,踏出人生重要的第一步。於是, 伊利沙伯醫院兒科創立,全港唯一一間的「青少年醫療中心」,發起了『傷健孖咇・Teens 夢想之旅』,在「李嘉誠慈善基金」之「香港仁愛香港」的資助下,撮合了 30 位青少年病人及 60 位青少年義工,共 30 組 90 人,即是每組有 1 位病人、2 位義工的「傷健孖咇」,他們由互不相識,到彼此扶持,成為交心好友,結伴同行人生路,打開自己的一片天空!這計劃更獲伊院一班同事和各界別超過100位熱心義工,陣容強大的支持,好讓這90位青少年,在醫生、護士、社工、復康專家指導下,手探索、策劃、完成夢想,親身探索這個繽紛的世界。今年疫情受控,我們重新出發,啟動『傷健孖咇2.0』,今次主題是『Dreams*2Gather 追夢.愛同行』,期望各界繼續支持。
Like all teenagers, teenage patients have dreams! However, these seemingly simple dreams can be challenging to achieve due to their unique physical needs. After hearing their voices, the healthcare professionals at Elizabeth Hospital Pediatrics were moved. They decided to go the extra mile to help these young patients take an important step in life. Thus, Elizabeth Hospital Pediatrics established the only “Teen Health Center” in Hong Kong and launched the “Dream Journey for Teens with Disabilities.” With funding from the “Li Ka Shing Foundation’s Hong Kong Love Hong Kong” program, they matched 30 teenage patients with 60 teenage volunteers, forming 30 groups of 90 individuals. Each group consists of 1 patient and 2 volunteers, creating a supportive bond between strangers who become close friends, embarking on a journey together, and opening up new possibilities. This project also received strong support from over 100 enthusiastic volunteers from various fields within the hospital. Under the guidance of doctors, nurses, social workers, and rehabilitation experts, these 90 teenagers explore, plan, and fulfill their dreams, experiencing the vibrant world firsthand. Despite the controlled pandemic situation this year, they are launching “Together We Dream 2.0,” with the theme “Dreams*2Gather: Chasing Dreams, Walking with Love.” They hope for continued support from the community.
